Since 1984, CASA of the River Region has trained and paired volunteers to be the voice for abused and neglected children in Family Court. CASA serves children in Jefferson, Bullitt, Henry, Oldham, Shelby, Spencer, and Trimble counties.
There are over 2,000 children in Family Court annually in CASA’s seven-county service area. We believe children need at least one caring, consistent adult to look out for their safety and nurture their self-worth. CASA is here to ensure vulnerable children’s voices are heard.
We believe children need at least one caring, consistent adult
to look out for their safety and nurture their self-worth.
Our Mission
CASA of the River Region supports and promotes volunteer advocacy for all abused and neglected children.
Our Vision
Kids who have experienced abuse and neglect will thrive in safe, stable, permanent homes.

Meet The Team


Development Coordinator

Director of Development

Director of Programs

Advocacy Supervisor

Manager of Operations

Advocacy Supervisor

Training Manager

Board Officers
Bryan Sisto, JD, Chair
Josephine Durbin, MBA, Vice Chair
Steven Blevins, JD, Treasurer
Tara Brown, Secretary
Board Members
Taylor Amerman
Debi Bass
Andy Bates
Ashley Brown, JD
Carl Heick
Brandon Hill
Amanda Hornung
Board Members
Jennifer Jackson, JD
Jonathan Johnson
Heather Metts, CPA
Leon Mooneyhan, PhD
Sadie Rizzuto, MBA
Courtney Suyeyasu
Honorary Members
Terri Bass
Maud Fliegelman*
Hon. Richard FitzGerald*
Dr. Joan Thomas*
* Indicates desceased members
CASA's latest publications and articles can be found on this page. To download, click any of the links.